Features Tips & Tricks

How to Import Your Jira Projects into YouTrack 6.5 in One Click

Whew, writing an entire post about OneClick is going to be a challenge!

In your admin menu, choosing ‘Import from JIRA’ opens a straightforward form.

blankFill in the connection details, and YouTrack will discover what permissions you have in each of the JIRA projects.


Give me power

In case you don’t have certain permissions in your JIRA, you will experience the following kinds of frustration (since some of your data may not be imported):

  • Without a Jira System Administrator, Jira Administrator or Administer projects role, no JIRA group members and no role actors will be imported. Important: if a comment in Jira is only visible to some role, the YouTrack group created during import to represent this role will be empty, thus the comment will not be visible unless you add members to the group.
  • Without permissions to view voters and watchers, no votes or watches will be found.
  • Without a permission to manage watchers, this will be your last chance to get the watches imported even if you don’t have the previous permission.

At this point you should decide if you need to beg your Jira administrator to grant you more permissions or if it’s time to OneClick.

Almost ready

If you or your manager have not yet decided to completely migrate to YouTrack (but what are the chances of that anyway?), ‘Continuous Import’ is an option for you. When checked, it triggers an import every 10 minutes to poll any changes made in your Jira. You can switch this option on/off at any time.

So, finally, OneСlick it!

ready-to-import 2

Ta-da! Like I said, it’s very simple and utterly harmless.

complete1 2

Further development

For those who prefer to get their hands dirty, we will allow low-level control of the import process in YouTrack 7.0. You will be able to control every single operation of the import process.

We also plan to implement two-side data synchronization to keep the competition honest.

Brought to you by OneClick. Hope you enjoyed it.

And now when you know all the insights about our brand new Jira import, it’s time to Get YouTrack 6.5 and see it in action!