Features News

10 Most Wanted Features in YouTrack

Feedback analysis is extremely important and valuable for every product development team, and what better time to do that than the start of a new year? Today I want share with you the 10 most wanted YouTrack features and reveal our product plans for these features for 2016.

The list is based on your votes for feature requests in our issue tracker. By the way, filtering the top wanted features in YouTrack is as easy as running the search query #YouTrack #Feature #Unresolved sort by: votes

  1. JT-13480 — Gantt chart support/109
  2. JT-5129 — Project Overview/93
  3. JT-16657 — Real time update of agile board and backlog/90
  4. JT-17476— Search for issues based on time tracking/84
  5. JT-13376 — Jenkins integration /78
  6. JT-7724 — YouTrack is much better than JIRA. When will Jetbrains make a competitor to Confluence?/74
  7. JT-21112 — Support Markdown syntax/69
  8. JT-6234 — Integration YouTrack with Visual studio, especially with VSTS work items/59
  9. JT-24385 — Integration with Slack/54
  10. JT-16990 — Integrate with hipchat.com (group chat for teams)/53

Is it really what you are missing?
The first question I have for you is: is it really what you are missing in YouTrack? Please leave your comments here or in the corresponding features, describing your use case and explaining why you think it’s really important for you, or alternatively speak out in favor of other features that’s you’re missing more.

What is planned for 2016 from this list

At JetBrains we do listen to our customers, and do our best to combine our product vision with external feedback. YouTrack is not an exception, so here is what’s on our list for 2016 from your top features list.

  • JT-13480 — Gantt chart support (109 votes) is the most wanted feature in YouTrack at the moment. It’s already in progress and will be included in the upcoming version code-named Inception, planned for Spring 2016.
  • JT-16657 — Real time update of agile board and backlog (90 votes) is a part of our new Agile board concept that we will introduce in the upcoming Inception.
  • JT-17476— Search for issues based on time tracking (84 votes) is planned for the upcoming Inception as well. We plan to start working on it in a month or two.
  • JT-21112 — Support Markdown syntax (69 votes) isvery good one and definitely on our list for the version following Inception. We expect to make it available by the end of 2016.
  • JT-24385 — Integration with Slack (54 votes) – Definitely yes, because we use and love Slack! There are several things we want to do here. Some kind of integration, like Integration with Slackbot and sending notifications to Slack channels over Zapier is already available (we’ll cover this integration in more detail in a separate post). However, there are still some activities planned to enhance the integration. Most likely, they will be included in the version following Inception.

What’s not on our roadmap for 2016

The following features are not yet planned for this year for various reasons. For some we don’t feel they’re 100% necessary, and for others we haven’t got a clear vision of how exactly it should work. Of course, you can always help us or change our mind, by voting more actively, commenting your favorite requests, adding more details about your use cases, and sharing your ideas of how you think this feature will improve the product for you.

  •  JT-5129 — Project Overview/93 – We agree that this feature is important, but we         haven’t finalized our vision on the best way to implement it. It might be the part of the Dashboard, Planning board, or something completely different. So the feature is on our list for sure, but it’s not planned and estimated at the moment.
  • JT-13376 — Jenkins integration /78 – Although this request is pretty popular, we don’t have clear plans for it now. As an alternative, we suggest using our TeamCity, which offers a free  version as well.
  • JT-7724 — YouTrack is much better than JIRA. When will Jetbrains make a competitor to Confluence?/74 – This is our favorite request on the YouTrack team. However, it looks more like a request for a new product than just a YouTrack feature, and we don’t have such plans in JetBrains for now.
  • JT-6234 — Integration YouTrack with Visual studio, especially with VSTS work items/59 – Not very clear for us and not planned for now.
  • JT-16990 — Integrate with hipchat.com (group chat for teams)/53 – A good one as well, but not planned yet. It may be implemented in scope of Integration with Slack but no guarantees right now.

Hopefully now you have a better idea of what’s coming in 2016 and are inspired to share your feedback and vote more actively! Your voice does matter to us, so please check the most wanted features list and speak out right now!