
Updated Storage Limits

Great news!
We have extended the storage limits for specific commercial plans.

YouTrack InCloud commercial plans have been around for awhile. We thought this would be a good time to update some of them. The main idea behind subscription plans has not changed. Each plan supports a set number of users and is allocated a fixed amount of storage. However, we have decided to extend the storage for some of the plans.

Which plans are affected?

The 25 users plan with 10 GB is extended to 15 GB.
The 50 users plan with 15 GB is extended to 20 GB.
The 100 users plan with 20 GB is extended to 25 GB.

If you use any of these plans, your current storage limits have already been automatically updated.

Please visit the YouTrack Pricing page for more details. We hope that the extended storage will improve your issue tracking experience and will help you to share more files with your team.

Sincerely yours,
The YouTrack team