Features Releases

JetBrains Hits a Perfect Three-Pointer With YouTrack 3.0

Please welcome YouTrack 3.0, a fully customizable version of our intelligent issue and bug tracker with a Free Pack now available for small teams.

YouTrack 3.0 introduces two major enhancements: customizable workflow and complete issue attributes customization. With these additions, a team can completely automate the issue life-cycle management based on its specific process needs, while still enjoying an intelligent, extremely usable and developer-oriented issue tracker.

With YouTrack 3.0, now you can:

  • Define your own workflow to automate issue life-cycle management. Watch demo.
  • Customize the set of issue attributes and their values
  • Submit issues by email
  • Automatically close or modify any related issue attributes from VCS Commit Comment
  • Access and handle your issues from your mobile device
  • Add other users to issue watchers list
  • Customize the sidebar to show only the tags and saved searches you need
  • Import existing projects from any bug tracker
  • Manage your issues and projects programmatically with the enhanced YouTrack RESTful API
  • Integrate YouTrack with TestLink, TestRail, and GitHub

Please read What’s New for more details about the new features and enhancements, check the release notes and Download YouTrack 3.0 Free Pack.
For more information on the YouTrack pricing and licensing options, please visit Buy & Upgrade page.

Keep tracking with pleasure!
JetBrains YouTrack Team