DataSpell 2022.3 EAP 1 Is Out!
In the first EAP build for DataSpell 2022.3, you will find the ability to track and revert changes made to Jupyter notebooks, as well as a better in-editor experience for formatting multiline code blocks in Jupyter notebooks and searching within them. This first build also enriches support for web outputs by making it possible to use the Output widget.
Please give the new functionality a try and share your feedback!

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Ability to track and revert changes in Jupyter notebooks
DataSpell offers Local History to help you track all changes made to a file independently of version control.
Local History offers much more than version control systems, which only keep track of the differences made between commits. It automatically records your project’s state as you edit code, run tests, deploy applications, and more, and it maintains revisions for all meaningful changes made both from within the IDE and externally.
To access the Local History menu, right-click anywhere in the editor and choose Local History | Show History from the context menu. In the dialog that opens, the left-hand pane shows a list with all of the saved versions of the current file with timestamps. The right-hand pane shows a diff viewer, which displays the differences between each version and the current state of the file.
DataSpell also has a special diff viewer for Jupyter notebook, allowing you to see the changes as if you were viewing them in the real Jupyter notebook.

There are a couple of options for reverting changes:
- To revert the whole file to a previous state, right-click it and choose Revert from the context menu or click the Revert button on the toolbar.
- To restore a specific code fragment, select the version that contains that fragment. In the diff view on the right, locate the piece of code you want to restore, and click the chevron button to copy it from the left pane.
Support for the Output widget
DataSpell 2022.3 introduces better support for interactive outputs in the notebook editor.
Now you can use the Output widget in Jupyter notebooks in DataSpell to capture and display stdout, stderr, and rich outputs. DataSpell will recognize them just like other web outputs and render them accordingly when you run a cell containing an Output widget call.

Improvements to code formatting in the Jupyter notebook editor
DataSpell offers a formatter that can help you improve the style of your code in Python files and notebooks. For DataSpell 2022.3, we’ve improved the formatting experience for multiline code in Jupyter notebooks. When you are using a formatter, DataSpell 2022.3 carefully transfers your multiline code blocks, including backslashes.
The same is true when you copy-paste multiline code blocks in notebooks.
Better in-editor search experience
Another improvement for the notebook editor concerns the search functionality.
Using Cmd + F allows you to search the notebook for a word or phrase and cycle through all of the occurrences. In the past, navigation through the occurrences was sometimes unexpectedly interrupted, and this could lead to unexpected changes being made to cells.
This behavior has been fixed, allowing DataSpell 2022.3 to provide a smooth search experience within notebooks.
We encourage you to try out the changes introduced in this build and share your feedback with us. If you have any questions or comments, use the comments section below or reach out to us on Twitter. If you find a bug while coding, please report it to our issue tracker.
The DataSpell team