
Meet us at Mobiconf


Are you going to Kraków, Poland this week? Meet us at Mobiconf, the international conference on mobile apps development, October 2nd-3rd.

Though no JetBrains booth is planned for the event, feel free to catch Anastasia Kazakova (Product Marketing Manager) with any questions you have. And you are all welcome at Anastasia’s talk during the first day:

Anastasia Kazakova Oct 2nd, Thursday, 15:30 – 16:30
Tools and Techniques that help maintain a high quality code base

It’s obvious that nowadays just having working code is not enough. As projects and teams grow, the code often starts to diminish in quality, which increases maintainability costs. Code should be clean and concise. It should be easy to understand and consequently easy to maintain. A “GOTO FAIL” shouldn’t ever pass! Dozens of tools and techniques exist to help developers keep their code base clean and of high quality. During this talk we’re going to see what is available in the iOS/OSX space and see how combining these with good practices such as unit testing, we can help identify bugs, code smells and refactor to produce a better code base.

Hope to meet you there! For others we are still with you in all our internet resources.

See you!
The AppCode Team