AppCode 2019.1.3: sorting for Find Usages in Swift and bug fixes
Hi everyone,
The AppCode 2019.1.3 update is available to download from our site.
Find Usages
We’ve implemented a convenient sorting for Swift usages, the same as we have for Objective-C:
Bug fixes
This build addresses the following issues:
- AppCode 2019.1 RC cannot resolve UIKit classes anymore (OC-18540).
- Function completion inserts broken arguments (OC-18687).
- CocoaPods integration does not work with Ruby 2.5+ due to missing rubygems.rb (OC-18632).
- Multi-line string indent should preserve relative (but illegal indent) (OC-18516).
- Swift / Objc: freeze on the Swift method name renaming (OC-18531).
For the full list of fixes please see the release notes.
Your AppCode Team
The Drive to Develop