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The release candidate build for PhpStorm 2020.3.1 is available. (more…)…
We've just released PhpStorm 2020.3, and today we are ready to give you a preview of the first bugfix update. (more…)…
PhpStorm 2020.3 is now available! This major release includes full support for PHP 8, static analyzers PHPStan and Psalm, Xdebug 3, Tailwind CSS, collaborative development via Code With Me, and much more. Download PhpStorm 2020.3 Read on for details on all the new features and signi…
PhpStorm 2020.3 Release Candidate is available! PhpStorm 2020.3 RC is the final build before the major update of PhpStorm. The most notable new features of the upcoming release are listed in the 2020.3 Beta announcement. We have posted more detailed video overviews on our JetbrainsTV YouTube chan…
This a bug-fix update for PhpStorm 2020.2. (more…)…
The PhpStorm 2020.3 Beta release is the last one in the EAP cycle, and so our What's coming in 2020.3 video series is drawing to an end as well. In this final episode of the 2020.3 season, we take a look at a refined Search Everywhere, enabling plugins per project, and other IDE enhancements tha…
PhpStorm 2020.3 Beta is now available! Download PhpStorm 2020.3 Beta Below is a roundup of the most notable new features for the upcoming 2020.3 release. The links will take you to the EAP posts published over the last few months, which contain detailed descriptions of each feature. PHP 8…
Learn more about the improvements to the Project tool window. The Early Access Program is coming to a close, and we are now starting to focus more on stabilizing and polishing. This is a good time to report any issues you’ve encountered to our tracker as there is still time to fix them before rel…
This build introduces support for the upcoming Xdebug 3, Tailwind CSS, improvements for Twig, Git stage support, and the ability to generate multiple files with templates. If you prefer watching to reading, check out the Coming in PhpStorm 2020.3 series on our JetBrains YouTube channel! Downlo…
In the second episode of the What’s Coming in PhpStorm 2020.3 video series, we’ll take a look at support for PHPStan and Psalm static analyzers, and how to work with them in PhpStorm. Be sure to subscribe to the JetbrainsTV YouTube channel and turn on notifications so you don’t miss the upcoming…
Our fifth PhpStorm 2020.3 Early Access Program build includes Guzzle integration with the internal HTTP client, copying an HTTP request as a cURL string, the Code With Me tool, improvements for markdown editing and viewing, and better spell checking. If you would prefer to watch a video overview…
PhpStorm 2020.3 will come with several PHP 8 attributes available out-of-the-box: , , , , , . Read on to learn more about the attributes, and please share your feedback about the design. Download PhpStorm 2020.3 EAP (more…)…