JetBrains Toolbox 2020.3 Released
All of the JetBrains Toolbox 2020.3 releases are now published. As always, we suggest you update your tools with our free Toolbox App.
In this release, you will find the following exciting new features in our IntelliJ-based products:
- Git staging support
- Code With Me plugin for collaborative development (available in Rider and DataGrip next year)
- Reworked Welcome screen
- Interactive hints and inline watches in debugger
- Better editor tab management
- Improved Markdown editing and preview
Check out the summaries below to learn more about what new features you can look forward to in your favorite tool.

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3 features interactive hints in the debugger, improves support for Java 15, Spring, and other frameworks, and now officially supports the Lombok plugin. It also introduces a variety of UX improvements, such as the ability to drag and drop tabs, and other new features.

WebStorm 2020.3 comes with Tailwind CSS support, new features for faster navigation, improvements for JavaScript and TypeScript, and many other improvements.

Rider 2020.3 comes with long-awaited support for .NET 5, C# 9, and F# 5. We’ve also introduced new features such as the Immediate window in the debugger, Project Dependency Diagrams, Push-to-Hint, and language support for the Avalonia UI framework. Burst analysis and shader support have been updated for Unity developers, too.

PyCharm 2020.3 introduces a variety of improvements to increase your productivity and code quality. Cloned or imported projects can now be configured in PyCharm 2020.3 with one click. If the project contains a requirements.txt,, environment.yml, or pipfile, PyCharm will set up a proper environment for you. Have an unresolved React component in your code? PyCharm now creates the relevant code construct for you.

RubyMine 2020.3 features improved tab management in the editor, and many more new features for the latest version of Ruby and Rails. There are also new features and improvements for the debugger, terminal, and database tools.

ReSharper 2020.3 comes with support for the latest .NET 5 and C# 9 language updates, Dynamic Program Analysis, a new “Push-to-Hint” visibility mode, and Avalonia UI framework support. **ReSharper C++** now provides seamless integration with UnrealHeaderTool and brings control-flow analysis inspections to HLSL shader files.

AppCode 2020.3 is here with Swift localization support, new inspections and intentions, SourceKit-based **Go to Declaration**, XCFrameworks support, improved refactorings, new debugger features, and more!

PhpStorm 2020.3 introduces support for PHP 8, PHPStan, Psalm, Tailwind CSS, Xdebug 3. All the new features and improvements from WebStorm 2020.3 are also available in PhpStorm 2020.3.

GoLand 2020.3: explore the goroutines dump, stop a debug session using a Go Remote configuration, run and navigate to individual table tests, and get more from the expanded support for the Testify test framework. You will also find many new code editing features, UI improvements, and many new features for web development and working with databases.

CLion 2020.3 brings significant improvements to key parts of the development process, such as running and debugging applications with the ability to debug as root, the ability to debug core dumps, and introduces unit testing with the new CTest support. For embedded projects, CLion now comes with initial MISRA C and C++ support. Qt users will find new IDE features that are tuned specifically to working with Qt code.

DataGrip 2020.3 includes SQL for MongoDB, Couchbase support, enhancements in the separate editor for values, and new data extractors.
To keep up to date with the newest versions of the JetBrains tools, download the Toolbox App and update your tools automatically together with the bundled plugins!
We hope you have a great end to 2020. We’ll soon start working on new updates to bring you even more productivity and joy in 2021!
Take care and stay safe!
Your JetBrains team