Early Access Program

CLion 2017.2 Release Candidate 2


We are approaching the final steps towards the CLion 2017.2 release and today we are glad to announce CLion 2017.2 Release Candidate 2 (build 172.3317.49). Give it a try, and if you find any bug at all, please file an issue in our tracker.

Download CLion 2017.2 RC2

Non-project files

The users of CLion 2017.2 Release Candidate 1 noticed a new file-wide notifications appeared in non-project files.

Files that do not belong to any CMake target are considered as not included into the project. For CLion it means that code insight features should be limited in such files, for example refactorings should not be performed. To identify these files with ease CLion marks them as greyed out in the project view. Now you can also easily identify such files in the editor, thanks to the file-wide notifications.

By the way, when you create new C++ class or C/C++ source or header file CLion suggests to add a new file to CMake target and suggests most probable options to select from. Use this feature to get all your new files included into CMake targets.

Besides, several performance improvements (in indexing) were implemented in this build. Release notes are available by the link.

Please note that to use CLion 2017.2 RC2 you need to have an active subscription (or start a 30-day evaluation period).

Download CLion 2017.2 RC2

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