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Datalore Enterprise 2023.3 Is Out!

Hello everyone,

Datalore Enterprise 2023.3 is out! This version includes authentication via HashiCorp Vault for Amazon Athena, support for multiple schedules for your notebook, flexible drag-and-drop in the Report builder, verification of database drivers without internet access, and other quality improvements and bug fixes.

Upgrade to 2023.3

Authentication via HashiCorp Vault for Amazon Athena

Access Amazon Athena seamlessly with authentication via HashiCorp Vault. This new method allows you to handle all authentication tasks directly within Datalore, and it eliminates the reliance on external verification apps, offering you a more streamlined workflow.

Authentication via HashiCorp Vault for Amazon Athena in Datalore

Multiple notebook schedules

Specify and manage multiple schedules for a single notebook through the user interface. This feature allows you to create custom schedules and run your notebook hourly, daily, weekly, or on specific dates. With the ability to set up different schedules based on your unique needs, you can achieve more efficient resource allocation and tailor the code execution timings to your project’s demands.

Multiple notebook schedules in Datalore

Flexible drag-and-drop in the Report builder

This flexible functionality allows you to design and structure your reports effortlessly by dragging and dropping cells onto the canvas. Сells dynamically adjust their height and width based on the available space. This feature optimizes the layout of your reports, maximizing the use of space and ensuring a clean and organized presentation of your data.

Flexible drag-and-drop in Datalore

Work with databases in isolated environments

With this new feature, you can work with databases even in isolated environments. Run SQL code without an internet connection, ensuring that the information exchanged between your notebook and the database remains accurate and consistent and minimizing the chances of data corruption or loss.

Improvements and bug fixes

  • We’ve optimized the visual layout of reports by reducing the spacing between elements, resulting in denser content and a more dashboard-like appearance. 
  • Scrolling through the variables in the dynamic dropdown now works correctly. 
  • We’ve added an Advanced tab in the New database connection dialog to help you manage custom JDBC driver options.
  • The Hub version was updated.
  • The Go to Error button is no longer displayed for hidden cells.
  • Attached files are now also cloned when you clone a shared notebook.
  • Interactive reports no longer break after republishing on schedule.
  • Files created during a scheduled run are now saved in the correct folder.

Upgrade to Datalore Enterprise 2023.3 now and unlock a whole new level of productivity and collaboration!

Upgrade to 2023.3

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Kind regards,

The Datalore team

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