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Collaborative data science platform for teams


New Datalore Cloud Plans – What You Need to Know

As Datalore has evolved over the years, we’ve added more and more pricing tiers to cater to different users in the cloud. The variety of tiers sometimes made choosing a plan complicated. Now, we’ve decided to revamp our subscription plans to simplify the process of finding the option that best fits your needs. You no longer have to worry about juggling between Team, Professional, and Community plans; we now present a unified and powerful solution for all cloud users: Datalore Cloud.

Read on to learn more, and check out the new pricing plan comparison table below. 

Explore the new plans

Datalore Cloud: One plan for all

Whether you’re an individual data scientist, a small startup, or a large corporation, Datalore Cloud is designed to cater to your needs. This comprehensive plan includes robust team management functionalities, ensuring seamless collaboration and efficiency. If you need a limited set of features, you can still enjoy Datalore on the Cloud Free tier. 

New features for Datalore Cloud users

In line with many requests from our customers, Datalore Cloud offers a powerful CPU L machine, featuring 4 virtual CPUs (vCPUs) and 16 GB RAM. This machine is optimized to handle most of your daily tasks with ease and is included in your subscription.

Moreover, we’ve updated our computation options to include the latest and most powerful machines. You can explore detailed specifications and pricing in our documentation.

Transition details for existing users

For Team plan users:

  • Your team will now enjoy the upgraded CPU L machines, and you’ll receive six Datalore credits per month for each member.
  • The transition to the Cloud plan has happened automatically, so no action is needed from your side. Rest assured, the price remains the same!

For Professional plan users:

  • You can continue with your existing plan under the same terms and conditions.
  • However, you have the option to upgrade to the new Cloud plan, which includes the powerful CPU L machines and team-management features.

Please note that the Professional plan has been archived and is no longer available for new users.

For Community plan users:

  • Upon your next login, your Community plan will be upgraded to a 14-day Cloud trial at no additional cost.
  • After the trial, if you choose not to subscribe to the Cloud plan, you will transition to Cloud Free, our new free plan offering similar functionality to the old Community plan.

For Enterprise plan users:

  • Datalore Enterprise has been renamed to Datalore On-Premises. Other changes outlined above do not affect you.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact Datalore Support.

Best regards,

The Datalore team

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