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TeamCity 1.2 Improving the Experience of .NET Platform Developers Released!

We are pleased to announce the release of TeamCity 1.2 – an integrated team environment – aimed at improving the productivity of .NET platform developers.

This new version of TeamCity provides:

  • a plugin for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005,
  • Visual SourceSafe 2005 and 6.0 support.

TeamCity integration plugin for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 enables navigation to the results of the failed tests from TeamCity’s Build Results page to Microsoft Visual Studio editor in just one click. To achieve this, download the plugin from the My Settings page in the TeamCity Add-ons area, complete a simple installation wizard, set up a project in TeamCity, and enjoy the new workflow!

View TeamCity 1.2 flash demo highlighting the integration with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

See what’s new in TeamCity 1.2 and read its release notes.

Test drive our demo server with TeamCity 1.2 installed.

Download TeamCity 1.2.

Technorati tags: continuous integration, IntelliJ, IDE, Java, .NET, code coverage, code inspection, TeamCity
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