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dotTrace 3.0 EAP Started

As David Stennett succinctly put it in the last post, one reason why our software excels is because of community participation in its direct development. As we open dotTrace 3.0 Early Access Program (EAP), we invite you to provide your feedback and help shape the final product into the best it can be!
Your one-stop-shop for all dotTrace EAP resources is From there you can see the recent changes, downdload the latest build of dotTrace, participate in forum discussions, and sign up for dotTrace news and announcements. You will also find the link to our bugtracker, where you are very welcome to submit bugs and feature suggestions.
The major features planned for dotTrace 3.0 are:

  • Sampling CPU profiling: faster than tracing profiling we use now – at the expense of lower accuracy
  • Thread-time CPU profiling: allows measuring contribution of individual threads in multithreaded applications, reducing interference between threads
  • Collapsing strongly-connected components of objects graph in memory profiling mode – allows easier navigation through objects in memory snapshots)
  • Improved Visual Studio integration allowing profiling of web applications from within Visual Studio
  • Ability to save parts of CPU snapshot as separate snapshots
  • Users can now navigate to declarations of types in memory snapshots

We look forward to your valuable contributions!
Note: Early-Access-Program (EAP) versions are PRE-BETA RELEASES. EAP versions have bugs. EAP versions are not completed software. EAP versions should not be used on production projects.

.NET+profiling, memory+profiling, performance+profiling, dotTrace, EAP, beta, trial, evaluation
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