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ReSharper 2.5.2 Released, Uses No-License Evaluation Model

Another maintenance release of ReSharper is here. The release includes a number of bug fixes and a new evaluation model which needs some explanation (but don’t worry, it will only make things easier for you as an evaluator!).
The point is that there are no more evaluation licenses! Just download, install and enjoy it for 30 days! We only ask for one thing: after you’ve tried the software, select Submit Feedback from ReSharper menu and tell us your thoughts.
Grab version 2.5.2 at
On the topic of evaluation licenses, our ReSharper 3.0 EAP has also moved to the new no-license evaluation model. Here’s how it works:

  • all EAP builds run under evaluation for 30 days; each EAP build restarts the evaluation period (released about once every two weeks)
  • nightly builds can be downloaded, installed and used under the latest EAP evaluation; however, they do not renew the evaluation period
  • also, an evaluation period starts when you first start using the software; it does not start and expire on pre-specified dates like it used to do in previous EAPs.

This will provide enough evaluation overlap to span the time between the most stable builds.
Develop with pleasure!
– The ReSharper Team

Technorati tags: JetBrains, ReSharper, .NET, Visual Studio
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