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ReSharper 5.0: Intro

Did you miss us?!

We’ve got some good news for you .NET junkies!

ReSharper 5.0 is getting ready for some publicity. We’ve already started providing internal 5.0 builds to our beloved JetBrains Academy experts for some initial feedback. Next step: make builds mature enough to open public EAP, and we’re looking to get that far before end of month.

You can also expect us to post a public R# 5.0 Roadmap shortly. Meanwhile, here are the four major areas that ReSharper 5.0 focuses on:

  1. Web Development. Web developers have long been asking for top-class support, so we’re starting to deliver on the promise with a pack of features for HTML, ASP.NET, and ASP.NET MVC.
  2. Project and Team. This is a valuable addition for developers having to explore much unfamiliar code and/or perform batch modifications in large-scale projects. With access to and navigation within external sources, structured patterns for searching and customizing code, and location/namespace synchronization tools working in batch mode, you can handle your colossal solutions easier.
  3. Code Analysis. In addition to fresh code inspections, ReSharper 5.0 presents multiple functional style “enumeration to LINQ” transformations, accepts warnings and suggestions into the “Errors in Solution” tool window, and introduces two major features to track what’s going on with your calls and data throughout application execution.
  4. Visual Studio 2010 and Tools. We’re on the run to support Visual Studio 2010 earlier than ever. More info on that when VS2010 Beta2 comes out. Of course, Visual Studio 2008 is supported as well.

Last but not least, we have prepared a number of introductory, feature-specific blog posts for you to feel the flavor of the new version. Stay tuned!

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