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dotCover 1.0.1, dotTrace 4.0.1 Performance Bugfix Releases

Today we’re coming out with initial bugfix releases for both dotCover and dotTrace Performance.

Please download dotCover 1.0.1 and dotTrace 4.0.1 Performance if you have issues with previous releases of these products. Here’s the list of most notable improvements in these bugfix releases.

  • What’s new in dotTrace 4.0.1 Performance
    • Dramatic performance increase in scenarios involving snapshot navigation and call folding.
    • Other profilers are not any more messing with dotTrace registry settings.
    • Fixed an issue with tracing mode profiling in certain scenarios incl. SharePoint applications: dotTrace no longer exits after throwing “Can’t get thread handle” exception. (DTRC-4954)
    • Fixed an OutOfMemory exception on saving snapshots (DTRC-5034)
    • Fixed dotTrace Performance interoperability with Hyper-V virtual machines.
    • Attempts to profile Windows Mobile 2003 applications are now handled in a much less obscure manner, with dotTrace clearly telling that this kind of applications is not supported.
  • What’s new in dotCover 1.0.1
    • Ctrl+Alt+Y – a new shortcut to switch coverage highlighting on/off, plus a new dotCover menu item called Toggle Code Highlighting.
    • The Coverage tool window now remembers preferences set during previous run, such as whether to highlight coverage and grouping options, and expanded/collapsed state of coverage tree nodes.
    • Auto-generated assemblies, such as those generated during execution of MSTest tests, are no longer taken into account by coverage analysis.
    • You can now specify exactly which files are subject to coverage highlighting with filters. dotCover respects the filtering settings not only when it includes items in the coverage tree, but when it highlights coverage as well.
    • Fixed issues related to License Information dialog box closing unexpectedly while entering license keys.

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