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Free upgrade to ReSharper 6 starts today + decompiler gets a name

Some great news today in the .NET tools department!

First of all, any ReSharper 5 new or upgrade purchases made since today, April 26, 2011, qualify for a free upgrade to ReSharper 6!.

That means, if you or your employer are using ReSharper 4.x or earlier, or if you’re just considering buying ReSharper, now is the perfect time since your new license will work both in the current ReSharper 5 and the upcoming ReSharper 6.

Important update! If you have purchased ReSharper 5 within a month back from the date of free upgrade announcement, please contact JetBrains sales for a significant upgrade discount.

Second, we have picked a name for our new .NET decompiler from the list of awesome suggestions that we received on facebook. The tool is now called dotPeek! Thanks everyone for your suggestions, and we have four lucky winners.

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