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dotCover 2.1: What’s inside

As you might already know, last week we released an update to dotCover. This minor version includes a series of bug fixes and improvements as well as a couple of important features worth noting in details.

Visual Studio 2012 Integration

dotCover 2.1 now integrates fully within Visual Studio 2012, either as a standalone product using its own Test Runner, or integrating tightly with ReSharper.


In addition, it also comes with support for both Light and Dark theming, as well the ability to choose the icon set we want to use.


We’ve also added support to help with people with color-blindness.

Windows App Store Application Supportdotcover_windows_store_applications_support

dotCover now allows the coverage of standalone Windows App Store applications, formerly known as Metro Applications.  This support is possible to the underlying engine that dotCover is built in, which is the same profiling engine that dotTrace Performance uses.

We have many more features planned for the next upcoming version of dotCover so stay tuned. And as always, please provide us with any feedback.

You can download the latest version which integrates with ReSharper 7.0.1 from here.

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