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ReSharper 7.1 is Available

ReSharper 7.1 is released
You knew ReSharper 7.1 had been underway for some time, and now, the day has come: ReSharper 7.1 is officially released and available for download. You’re welcome to grab the new ReSharper update.

Some of the reasons why you would want to do this include:

  • Performance and bug fixes: since releasing version 7.0, we have fixed over 300 performance problems and bugs! Special notice goes to performance fixes for SharePoint and ASP.NET MVC projects, as well as those for resource files.
  • Improved code formatter: considering that code formatting is a very sensitive area of functionality, we have implemented some of the most demanded code formatter improvements so far. For example, ReSharper 7.1 is able to format XML doc comments and chained method calls. We’ve recently blogged in detail about code formatter improvements.
  • Reviewing code and sharing ReSharper code inspection results with team mates is now easier, thanks to improved export functionality, as well as a way to copy code inspection items and convert them to work items. To learn more about this, see Easy sharing of ReSharper inspection results in the 7.1 EAP launch blog post.
  • Support for Windows Phone 8: if you’re already using Windows Phone 8 SDK to develop applications, ReSharper 7.1 is here to help you. How exactly? Read a recent blog post about Windows Phone 8 support
  • Support for VB.NET has been refined with Extract Class refactoring, new quick-fixes and improved IntelliSense.
  • XAML support is now considerably smoother in terms of code completion, typing assistance, naming style control, and code generation. The guy who’s in charge of XAML support has recently blogged about this.
  • INotifyPropertyChanged support pack now covers more usage scenarios relevant to Windows Forms, WPF and Silverlight application developers.
  • Other improvements include fixes in multiple refactorings; improved support for Entity Framework 5, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, and JavaScript.

ReSharper 7.1 is a free upgrade for everyone who owns a ReSharper 7 license or a ReSharper 6 license purchased since June 1, 2012.

If you’re using ReSharper with plug-ins, they’re being tested for 7.1 compatibility. Most of them should be available for download in the coming days.

Please download ReSharper 7.1 and let us know how it works for you!

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