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.NET Tools

Essential productivity kit for .NET and game developers


Meet ReSharper 7.1.2, dotTrace 5.3.1 Performance

Two quick maintenance releases to our .NET tools become available today: please download ReSharper 7.1.2 and dotTrace 5.3.1 Performance.

ReSharper 7.1.2 contains fixes to Find Usages (RSRP-336714) and auto-completion in XAML (RSRP-337050), brings a pack of unit testing improvements related to running MSTest fixtures in Visual Studio 2012 (here’s the list of fixes), and adds more updates to the installer.

dotTrace 5.3.1 Performance fixes fetching PDB files required for code preview (DTRC-8228), and improves installation in certain scenarios.

If you’re experiencing any of the issues mentioned above, please try out these new updates. However, if previous releases are working fine for you, it’s probably best to just stick with them.

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