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ReSharper 8.0 Beta is Available

We just can’t get enough. A day after announcing the upcoming support of C++ in a future version of ReSharper, we’re getting back to the immediate task at hand, which is making version 8.0 happen.

With that in mind, we’re happy to announce that ReSharper 8.0 Beta is available for download! Get the Beta right now and try a load of new features and improvements that include:

  • Support for Visual Studio 2013 Preview. Yes, ReSharper 8.0 Beta already works with Visual Studio 2013 Preview, and if you have already started digging into it, ReSharper 8.0 Beta is there for you.
  • Fix in Scope to batch-apply a set of ReSharper quick-fixes in the scope of a project or solution.
  • Project dependency viewer.
  • Multifile templates.
  • Navigation improvements including Go to Everything, Assembly Explorer, Navigate to Generic Substitutions and Navigate to Assembly Explorer.
  • New refactorings including Move Instance Method.
  • Enhanced XAML support with new code inspections, quick-fixes and refactorings.
  • More accessible code completion.
  • Extension Manager to make plug-in discovery and installation a breeze.
  • CSS support improvements in terms of usage search, code inspections and CSS version support.
  • Command-line tools.

For a more complete overview of ReSharper 8.0 Beta functionality, see What’s New in ReSharper 8.0 Beta, and for further details, read what we’ve already blogged about ReSharper 8.0 (and get ready for more blog posts).

If there’s anything about ReSharper 8.0 Beta that’s causing you trouble, be it regression cases, incomplete features, or performance and memory consumption problems, please contact ReSharper support, or just use the ReSharper icon in the toolbar of Visual Studio to submit your feedback.


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