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ReSharper 8.0.2 is Released

Well it’s that time again: another bug fix update to ReSharper 8 is available.

This time though, most of you would be safe skipping it since it targets quite a limited part of ReSharper customers.

You’d benefit from downloading and installing ReSharper 8.0.2 if you were unable to use 8.0.1 despite having an active upgrade subscription. As it turned out, customers who have purchased ReSharper 7 with upgrade subscription from end of July to end of August 2012 were unable to make use of 8.0.1 although they were entitled to 3-digit updates for 8.0. Version 8.0.2 fixes this issue and should work fine with subscriptions purchased within this period.

Apart from resolving the problem highlighted above, this update only contains 2 more fixes: one related to assembly resolve with certain web.config configurations (RSRP-369336) and another one that has to do with navigation between usages discovered with Find Usages Advanced (RSRP-383894).

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