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dotPeek 1.2 Is Released

We have finally finished fine-tuning the new version of dotPeek, our free .NET decompiler and assembly browser. Please download dotPeek 1.2 that receives a new superpower and learns how to walk in symbol server shoes.

dotPeek12 is released

Highlights of this update include:

  • dotPeek can be used as a symbol server and provide Visual Studio debugger with the information required to debug assembly code. Not only can dotPeek generate source files on debugger’s request but you can even generate PDB files manually with dotPeek and watch the progress in a dedicated tool window.
  • Process Explorer window that provides you with the list of all currently running processes and allows exploring their modules and decompiling those of them that are .NET assemblies.
  • Quick search and node filtering in Assembly Explorer with lowerCamelHumps supported.

For the full list of fixes and enhancements addressed in version 1.2, take a look at release notes.

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