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ReSharper 8.2.2 with JetBrains Account Support is Here

A new ReSharper maintenance release is now available for download. Please install this upgrade if you have experienced the following issues with ReSharper 8.2:

  • A numeric comparison error when getting or updating nuget packages (when MSBuild is used to obtain project references).
  • SSL-Certificate error while connecting to JetBrains Account.

Speaking of JetBrains Account, this is a new way of managing your licenses for JetBrains tools. As a single interaction point with JetBrains products and services, it provides a simple and convenient way to access and manage your purchases, view your order history, distribute licenses to users, and more. You can use your JetBrains Account to have single access to the following JetBrains services:

You can still use your license key to activate and work with our tools if that way is more comfortable for you.

Additional Tools

Please note that along with ReSharper 8.2.2 you can download and install compatible builds of dotTrace, dotCover and dotMemory with similar fixes for the SSL-Certificate error.

By the way, great news for dotMemory users: we’ve added two brand new automatic inspections of common WPF memory leaks types. If you are not using dotMemory yet, today’s a good day to start. Together with multiple enhancements, the minor update v4.0.10 introduces a new evaluation model: from now on you can use the trial version for 10 actual days of use, even if they are non-consecutive. Enjoy!

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