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Enters ReSharper Ultimate 10.0.2

Download ReSharper Ultimate 10.0.2, which includes a slew of bug fixes and improvements to ReSharper, ReSharper C++, dotTrace, dotMemory, dotCover and dotPeek.

ReSharper Ultimate 10.0.2

Highlights of this update

  • Unit testing. In addition to support for NUnit 3.0 RTM, unit testing has seen noticeable improvements in terms of support for test cases and grouping, handling of debugging sessions, time spent for setup and teardown code runs. Many presentation glitches in Unit Test Sessions have been fixed as well.
  • Bogus red code. We have fixed incorrectly highlighted red code in solutions containing .modelproj and .wixproj project types, as well as in DNX projects, projects targeting .NET Framework 4.6 and portable libraries.
  • ReSharper Build. There’s an array of improvements in the way ReSharper Build works, notably with regard to monitoring changed dependencies, respecting settings that govern whether to display results upon completing a rebuild, and better support for specifics of Visual Studio 2015.
  • JavaScript and TypeScript. Improvements include a performance tuneup, as well as fixes to incorrect code inspections, usage search and navigation.
  • In other news, Stack Trace Explorer has received a set of fixes; you can now disable ReSharper code tooltip if you prefer how other Visual Studio extensions decorate the tooltip; introducing a variable from inside a lambda expression doesn’t produce broken code anymore; and you can export items from File Structure again!

ReSharper C++, dotCover, dotTrace, dotMemory and dotPeek have received their varying shares of bug fixing in the past month but it’s ReSharper that leads the breed in terms of sheer number of improvements. For your reference, this is how distribution by subsystem looks like for issues fixed in ReSharper 10.0.2:

ReSharper 10.0.2: fixed issues by subsystem

If you’re interested, here’s the entire list of fixes across ReSharper Ultimate products.

Important note to Visual Studio 2015 users

If you have migrated to Visual Studio 2015, please make sure to install VS2015 Update 1. This is especially important if you are experiencing Visual Studio freezes upon starting debugging, pulling from your VCS repository, starting a refactoring, editing XAML in visual mode or in other scenarios described in comments to RSRP-450181. Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 is known to fix a part of MSBuild calls that these freezes are usually traced back to.

Time to download

Upon reading the above, we hope you’re now well prepared to download and install ReSharper Ultimate 10.0.2.

This release wraps up the year for the .NET team here at JetBrains. We’d like to welcome 2016, and we’re hoping to open EAP for a new ReSharper Ultimate release sometime in January.

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