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ReSharper Ultimate 10.1 EAP 5

A new EAP build of ReSharper Ultimate 10.1 is now available for download. We continue to stabilize and improve the upcoming 10.1 release, and here is what we have added this week:


Dedicated action for reformatting code

In early versions of ReSharper, ‘Reformat Code’ was the only code style feature and it proudly possessed its own action. In version 4.0, back in 2008, a number of new code style features were added, ‘Reformat Code’ was replaced by ‘Code Cleanup’ and became a part of it. ‘Code Cleanup’ has been further evolving and now includes more than a dozen features in most of supported languages, and so we felt like ‘Reformat Code’ got lost among all these features.

Therefore, we decided to restore the dedicated action for reformatting code, which you can now invoke from the main menu (ReSharper | Edit | Reformat Code) or with a shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+Enter in Visual Studio scheme or Ctrl+Alt+L in ReSharper 2.x/IntelliJ IDEA scheme).

As before, the scope of reformatting code depends on the context:

  • If there is a selection in the editor, the selection is refomatted.
  • If the cursor is in the editor without selection, the whole document is refomatted.
  • If the focus is in the Solution Explorer, all documents in the selected solution nodes are reformatted.

Full support for TypeScript 1.8

If you are experimenting with TypeScript 1.8, you can be sure that ReSharper fully understands every single one of the latest TypeScript features. This includes type parameter constraints, stateless JSX components, augmenting global/module scope, string literal types, and this-based type guards.

File Structure for JSON documents

Initial support for JSON files and schemas, which was introduced earlier in ReSharper Ultimate 10.1 EAP, is now complemented with the File Structure view:
File Structure for JSON documents

Here is the full list of fixes for ReSharper in this EAP build.


dotCover 10.1 now speeds up test execution in Continuous Testing for MSTest and xUnit tests by pre-loading test runners. Previously, this was only available for NUnit tests.

Another improvement applies to the relationship between dotCover console runner and TeamCity. TeamCity is now tuned to understand the output of the console runner and can highlight its errors and warnings in the build log:

dotCover errors in TeamCity log

dotMemory Unit 2.2

Along with this ReSharper Ultimate build, we have published an EAP build of dotMemory Unit, our .NET memory testing framework. This includes the following improvements:

  • Object selection queries now support open generic types, which is useful if you want to get all substitutions of your generic type.
  • You can select objects by wildcards using the Like and NotLike queries on types, interfaces, and namespaces.
  • Improved performance of key queries: Type.Is, Interface.Is and Namespace.Like.
  • Tests that execute queries from child processes are now handled correctly.

dotMemory Unit 2.2 new object selection queries

We welcome you to participate in this early access program and download the latest ReSharper Ultimate 10.1 EAP build.

If you have any feedback to share, please do so here in the comments or use issue trackers of affected products: ReSharper, ReSharper C++, dotTrace, dotCover, dotMemory, dotPeek.

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