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UI designer tooling usage survey

Every now and then we’re setting up surveys in order to know better about different details of a software developer’s routine. This is even more important when our own experience is insufficient or not representative of what we feel might be going on in the industry as a whole.

This time, we have set up a quick survey to get a better understanding of how .NET developers use UI designer tools in their development environments.

For us, looking into the results of this survey will help figure out how to (or whether to) plan implementing UI designer tools in JetBrains Rider, the emerging .NET IDE.

For you, taking part will (1) help get your UI designer workflow considered, and (2) set you up for a chance to win a prize of your choice: a JetBrains souvenir, an Amazon Gift Voucher or a GlobalGiving Gift Card.

Take the UI designer usage survey! This shouldn’t really take more than 5 minutes of your time.

Thanks a lot!

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