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Tips & Tricks to improve your .NET Build Setup with MSBuild – Webinar recording

The recording of our webinar, Tips & Tricks to improve your .NET Build Setup with MSBuild, with Martin Ullrich, is now available. Subscribe to our community newsletter to receive notifications about future webinars.

MSBuild is the powerful – now open source – build system used in all .NET Builds. It has a language of its own and allows you to customize most parts of your build.

For growing code bases the requirements to the build and deployment setup of your project(s) increase as well, so in this session I want to show you a few Tips & Tricks to make working with .NET projects easier, faster and more maintainable.

After a quick crash course on its language I will show you how to use MSBuild to turn some knobs in the build process, some of which may not be available in your IDE’s UI, and go over common customizations and setups. We will also have a look at how to diagnose issues and what tools to go to when builds go wrong.

Webinar agenda:

  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 3:04 – Agenda
  • 3:23 – MSBuild basics
  • 25:58 – Practical examples
    • 26:15 – Directory.Build.props/targets
    • 33:00 – Multi-Level Properties
    • 35:40 – Central Packages
    • 37:35 – Versioning
    • 43:19 – Copying Files
    • 45:45 – Content Files
    • 48:51 – Publishing Options
    • 56:06 – Reference Assemblies
    • 59:17 – TFM-Based Preprocessing
  • 1:09:05 – Q&A


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About the presenter:

Martin Ullrich
I am a software engineer working on diverse tech stacks but focusing mostly on .NET in C#, Web Technologies and iOS/Swift.

I am a technology enthusiast who always works on improving development and DevOps processes at our company to make life easier for developers and help deliver high. I was awarded Microsoft MVP for community and open-source work around .NET Core.

Follow Martin on Twitter.

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