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.NET Tools

Essential productivity kit for .NET and game developers

.NET Tools Releases

ReSharper and .NET Tools 2021.3.4 has been released! 

Hello everyone! 

Today we’ve released ReSharper and .NET Tools 2021.3.4

If you are using ReSharper or our .NET tools with Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2 Preview 2.0, you may have experienced issues with the integration. This is because of breaking changes to the Visual Studio API, which we relied on. The 2021.3.4 release fixes the issue (RSRP-488220), so ReSharper and .NET tools can assist you in Visual Studio as before.

Rider 2021.3.4 is a technical release due to our release pipeline. It has no fixes inside, so you can omit it and keep Rider 2021.3.3 installed.

You can install ReSharper and .NET Tools 2021.3.4 from the website, via the JetBrains Toolbox App, or simply call ReSharper | Help | Check for updates in Visual Studio.

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