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Livestream Now Available – Isaac Levin: Updating Old .NET Framework Apps

The livestream Updating Old .NET Framework Apps, with .NET Developer Advocate Isaac Levin is now available on the YouTube channel JetBrainsTV.

Are you burdened with maintaining old applications while yearning for a world where you can seamlessly incorporate the latest .NET innovations into your codebase? Join us for this session and engage in an honest conversation about the essential considerations and best practices for successful migration. Together, we’ll explore the evolution of .NET, gaining valuable insights into its latest advancements and how we arrived at this point.

In this session, We’ll address the common pitfalls and challenges associated with migrating from .NET Framework to the latest versions of .NET. Prepare to delve into the intricate details and learn to avoid the pitfalls that every developer should be aware of during the migration process.

We’ll also explore powerful tools such as the .NET Upgrade Assistant, which will guide us through the journey of upgrading legacy applications to the latest and greatest versions of .NET. Learn how to harness the capabilities of these tools to streamline the migration process and unlock the full potential of the latest .NET and C# features.

By the end of this session, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to take advantage of the cutting-edge features offered by the latest .NET versions. Embrace a world where collaboration is enhanced, developer productivity soars, and your applications leverage the power of the latest .NET innovations.


About the presenter:

Isaac Levin

Isaac Levin

Isaac Levin is a Developer Advocate as well as a Microsoft MVP. He has over 10 years of experience working as a developer for the web, mostly in the Microsoft Ecosystem. Outside of work, he hosts a podcast called Coffee and Open Source, where he interviews people from across the tech industry and builds open-source projects like PresenceLight and GitHub Stat Tracker. He lives outside of Seattle, Washington, and likes to wind down from work with his wife Ariana and his two children, Isaac and Avery.

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