Get a preview of all the latest features and improvements set to be shipped with the next major ReSharper and .NET tools releases by downloading the Release Candidate builds that have just landed.
Here are the major improvements in each of the new builds:
The ReSharper 2024.1 Release Candidate
More conversions to collection expressions
A new Collection was modified inspection
Enhanced support for disposable resources in async methods
Updates to the Change Signature refactoring
Updates to the Make Static refactoring
Faster Rename and Move to Another Type refactorings
High resources utilization mode in solution-wide analysis
Resolve references for @addTagHelper and @removeTagHelper directives
Improvements to C++ 20 modules support
Improved UX/UI for custom naming rules
A new dedicated Assembly Diff tool window for the decompiler
The ReSharper C++ 2024.1 Release Candidate
Reworked implementation of C++ 20 modules for internal module partitions support and improved performance.
New features for Change Signature, including the ability to change a parameter type between a pointer, a reference, or a value type
Option to customize the style of generated documentation. Additionally, grammar inspections are now available inside documentation comments.
Improvements to code analysis, such as new inspections for identifying issues with static data members and code cleanup suggestions to remove unnecessary zero initializers in aggregate initialization
Support for Unreal Engine’s Slate UI framework
Support for adding core redirects when renaming a UENUM instance
Navigation through outgoing call chains in Call Tracking
Several new options for C++ code formatting
The dotMemory 2024.1 Release Candidate
Support for .NET and desktop MAUI applications on macOS
Support for Frozen Objects Heap (FOH)
New views (Similar Retention and Sunburst diagram) in dotMemory for Linux and macOS
Option to specify application bundles (.app) instead of executable files on macOS
Ability to profile macOS run configurations in JetBrains Rider. Supported frameworks: net7.0-macos, net8.0-macos.
The dotTrace 2024.1 Release Candidate
Support for .NET and desktop MAUI applications on macOS
User interface (UI) presets. The presets adjust the UI to show only the profiling settings relevant to specific applications: General (all application types), Unity developer, and Unreal Engine developer.
Option to specify application bundles (.app) instead of executable files on macOS
Ability to profile macOS run configurations in JetBrains Rider. Supported frameworks: net7.0-macos, net8.0-macos, net7.0-maccatalyst, net8.0-maccatalyst, Xamarin.Mac.
The dotCover 2024.1 Release Candidate
Coverage analysis of unit tests and applications based on the MAUI framework. Currently, dotCover supports only WinUI desktop applications targeting .NET 7.0+ on Windows.
Improved code coverage highlighting: new background colors, a new gutter icon for partially covered code lines, and other changes.
It’s not too late to share your feedback on the newest features! Our developers are still putting the final touches on the upcoming release. Tell us what you think in the comments below or by tweeting at us.