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Early Access Program Features

Gogland EAP 9 is Available

It’s been a while since the last Gogland EAP, but here we are: Gogland EAP 9 is finally ready, bringing lots of bugfixes and several new features.

First, we’ve added remote debugging support. All it needs is that you set up a Go Remote run configuration with and tell it which Host and Port to connect to and make sure the application you’re going to debug is launched with Delve.

When you start that run configuration, you’ll see the good old Debug tool window:

Layout of log files can be adjusted to your liking:

And then displayed in the Run tool window when you run the application:

Also, the update brings two new inspections:

  • Misplaced fallthrough statements.
  • Functions without body.

And here’s a couple more things to look at:

  • The Go SDK is now selected automatically when you import a project
  • Better startup speed and overall performance
  • Configuration related to imports (sorting, exclusion) is now stored on the project level
  • A number of bugfixes for auto-imports and imports sorting

Please give a try to the new build and share your feedback via our issue tracker.

Develop with Pleasure!

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