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A cross-platform Go IDE with extended support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and databases

Features Releases

Go the Distance: GoLand 2018.1 is Here!

We’re thrilled to announce that GoLand 2018.1 is now available for download.

This release is an important milestone for our team as it’s the first massive update to the IDE since its launch four months ago. The update focuses on making the coding assistance, the IDE is proud of, even smarter, and also on polishing up the integration of many of other tools the IDE runs with along the way. The update supports partial Git commits, integrates Dep, makes it possible to debug local Go processes, improves Docker Compose support, features smart coding assistance for editing Kubernetes resource files, and much more. Here’s a list of the most notable changes:

  • Go
    • Dep integration
    • Run and Debug
      • Attaching Debugger to local processes
      • Running multiple files via Build run configuration
    • Coding assistance
      • Full support for Go 1.10
      • Move refactoring (within a single package)
      • Negate completion
      • New Postfix templates: .if and .p
      • Default values completion
      • Lots of new intention actions and quick-fixes
      • New formatting options and auto-formatting on Enter
      • Optimize imports on-the-fly editor option
      • Reworked Documentation pop-up (now with example functions)
      • Handling imports on Paste and custom templates for Scratch Files
      • Auto-import now works only when the result has no errors
    • Performance
      • The option to not index the entire GOPATH (suitable when using a dep manager)
      • Faster Rename and Find Usages for global symbols
    • Other
      • Better Test Runner (respects tests hierarchy and improves tests output)
  • Git
    • Partial Git commits
    • Abort Rebase, Continue Rebase, and Skip Commit actions in the Branches pop-up
  • JavaScript & TypeScript
    • Full support for TypeScript 2.7
    • Surround with type guard quick-fix
    • Rename provides an option to safely rename the file as well
    • Reformat with Prettier
    • Extract a Vue component refactoring
  • Deployment
    • Docker Compose workflow improvements
    • Smart coding assistance for editing Kubernetes resource files (both JSON and YAML)

To learn about these and other changes in more detail, take a look at the What’s New page.

To download the update, use either the download page or the Toolbox App.

As always we appreciate your feedback. Please share it here in the comments or if you prefer directly in the issue tracker.

Spread the word, and Happy developing!

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