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Early Access Program

GoLand 2023.1 Beta 2 Is Out!

GoLand 2023.1 has reached Beta 2! This is the last build in our EAP cycle that doesn’t require a license.

You can get the Beta 2 build via the Toolbox App, download it from our website, use a snap package (for Ubuntu), or from inside GoLand, select Check IDE updates for: Early Access Program in Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Updates

Download GoLand 2023.1 Beta 2

The Beta 2 version provides all of the new features and improvements that have already been announced during our current EAP cycle and are expected in the major 2023.1 release. To read about these updates in detail, refer to our EAP blog posts. Here are some of the highlights:

Let’s take a look at the new features in this Beta 2 build.

Update vulnerable dependencies to the safe version

In the previous Beta build, we announced our new Vulnerability checker. GoLand can now highlight packages with known vulnerabilities in go.mod and method calls from packages with known vulnerabilities.

There are additions to that feature in GoLand Beta 2. You can place the cursor on a highlighted package in go.mod, press Alt+Enter (⌥ ↩), and choose the Change <package name> version to <version> quick-fix to update a dependency to a version that doesn’t have vulnerabilities.

Completion for testcontainers-go

testcontainers-go is a Go package that allows you to create and clean up container-based dependencies for automated tests.

In this build, we’ve added completion for container names when you use the testcontainers-go package.

After typing in the container name, you can use the Pull Docker image action that was implemented earlier.

gRPC navigation

GoLand’s HTTP Client currently supports running gRPC requests. You can also run gRPC requests from the Endpoints tool window.

This version offers another useful addition to our gRPC feature set. You can now navigate and access declarations of messages, services, and methods from Go code and their Go implementations from .proto files.

For this, press the dedicated icon next to a declaration of a message, service, or method, or their implementation.

Save multiple tool window layouts

You can now save and manage several tool window layouts and switch between them when needed.

To save a new layout, arrange the tool windows as desired and go to Window | Layouts | Save Current Layout as New. Once you adjust the arrangement, you can either update the currently used setup using the Save Changes in Current Layout option or save these changes for another custom layout. To activate a saved layout, find it in the list in Window | Layouts, hover over its name, and hit Apply.

That’s it for today! We’d love to hear what you think about the new features. Get in touch with us on Twitter, leave your comments here, open an issue in our tracker, or drop us a message in the Gophers Slack #goland channel. Thanks!

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