
Smarter and Faster Introduce Variable in Java

Introduce variable is one of those refactorings used many times a day. So, how can we make it work faster?
Get rid of modal dialogs!

So, in order to introduce a variable from an expression press Ctrl+Alt+V.

Remember modal dialog? No more of it! Now you can edit your code right in the editor:

Oh, you prefer List as variable type? No problem, press Shift+Tab, choose List from drop down and IntelliJ IDEA will remember your choice for future.

You already pressed Ctrl+Alt+V but then realized that such variable already exists? Not a problem! Now it is possible to reassign a variable right from introduce template. Press Ctrl+Alt+V one more time and IntelliJ IDEA will collect all available variables of appropriate types and will suggest you to choose one:

You can try it yourself using a latest IntelliJ IDEA X EAP.

And let us know what you think!

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