IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA – the IDE for Professional Development in Java and Kotlin
IntelliJ IDEA is getting ready for Java EE 7 Launch
No doubt you’ve heard about Java EE 7 Launch this Wednesday, Jun 12th. Do you plan to attend the Java EE 7 launch webinar to learn the latest improvements in the platform? If you do Java EE then it probably makes sense.
We, in out turn, would like to give you a sneak peak of the Java EE 7 support coming in IntelliJ IDEA 13 later this year. We’ve been watching the JSR progress and working on it for some time.
Below is a number of short videos demoing our forthcoming support for different JSF 2.2 (JSR-344) features. Check them out and let us know what you think. We’ll be posting more Java EE 7 support details in the coming months.
Note that everything you see, and even more, is already available in IntelliJ IDEA 13 EAP, so you can do more than just watch.
2. Support for new namespaces (0:43)
3. Flows
- Annotated flows, reading your code… (2:13)
- Flow usages search and rename refactoring (0:48)
- @FlowScoped: resolve to explicit/implicit/annotated definitions, code completion (1:26)
- Expression language for annotated flows (0:57)
- Implicit Flows. Code completion and navigation (1:00)
- Flows. Completion for implicitly defined nodes (1:20)
- Implicit and Explicit Flows. Code completion (1:16)
- Editing explicit flows: highlighting, usages search, refactorings; vdl-documents resolve (1:28)
- Explicit Flows. Navigation and usages search (0:49).
Stay tuned for more details in future posts.
And we look forward to your feedback on these videos and features.
Develop with pleasure!