Early Access Program Features

IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 EAP is Available!

Great news, everyone! It’s time to reveal what we’ve been working on since December and what new features the next update will bring to you. Today we’re officially announcing the start of IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 EAP (Early Access Program), which means you can not only see the list of new features, but also give them a try and share your feedback!

The following new features are available in the current EAP build:

Quite a list this is, and more is to come yet! Stay tuned and read our blog for more details on these and other new features.

Download the IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 EAP build right away, and share your feedback with us at the discussion forum and in our issue tracker. We’re eager to know what you think!

Develop with pleasure, and spread the word!

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