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Spring Kotlin References in @Value-annotation

Here is the new blog post on Kotlin and Spring support in IntelliJ IDEA.
The Spring Framework supports reading values from different kinds of sources using the `@Value` annotation. Completion, reference navigation, and folding property names with their values is now supported for Kotlin in IntelliJ IDEA:

ValueFoldingYou can also use SpEl in the `@Value` annotation:ValueInSpelOn renaming of the bean properties all of the references are then properly updated:ValueAnnotationAndRenamingSo you can comfortably work with the `@Value` annotation in Spring-Kotlin projects with IntelliJ IDEA.

There are more posts about Kotlin with Spring support in IntelliJ IDEA coming. Please stay tuned! To learn more about the features for working with Spring in IntelliJ IDEA, visit this web page.

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