A concise multiplatform language developed by JetBrains
Kotlin Eclipse Plugin 0.5.0
New in this release
- Kotlin Beta 2 support
- Semantic highlighting
- Rename refactoring
- Mark Occurrences
- Extract Variable refactoring
- Navigation to Kotlin standard library sources
Semantic Highlighting
Life is getting more colourful with a new release of the Kotlin plugin featuring semantic code highlighting. Right now we share most settings with the Java editor, so Kotlin code will reuse your favourite color theme. Switching to the Eclipse Dark Theme and configuring highlighting with Eclipse Color Themes plugin is also supported.
We now support Rename refactoring. One thing unusually advanced about it is that it works across languages: Kotlin declarations can be renamed from any usage, both in Java and Kotlin! Same for renaming Java declarations.
Mark Occurrences
Automatic usages highlighting for the declaration under cursor is now enabled by default for Kotlin files.
Extract Variable
It’s now possible to create local variables from selected expression with Extract Local Variable refactoring.
Navigation to Kotlin Standard Library
Reference to Kotlin standard library from Kotlin code are now navigable. Activating Open Declaration action on usages will open correspondent file and reveal declaration in the library source code.