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Language workbench to create Domain-Specific Languages


MPS Talk Series 2021 – Invitation

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We would like to invite you to join us for MPS Talk Series 2021, a special online event taking place from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm CET every evening February 1–5.

The event will consist of presentations from the MPS community, itemis, and the MPS team, with a focus on knowledge sharing, showcasing mature projects built with MPS and the progress of the, long-awaited, MPS Web Technology.

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February 1

17:00 – 18:00 CET:

  • Building DSLs on Top of KernelF, by Markus Völter
    Starting a DSL from scratch is tedious and boring work, especially since many require basic expressions and data types. It is easier to build on an existing language that already supplies these low-level language constructs. KernelF is a functional language developed for this purpose.It has low-level expressions and types, but also has many features found in modern functional programming languages, plus extensions for date and time, temporal types, physical units, and a few others. KernelF also comes with a built-in interpreter so you can run programs right in the IDE.
    In this talk, I show a demo of how to use KernelF for your own DSL. Along the way, I show a few other perks from the platform, including tables, tree notation, grammar cells, and the interpreter framework.

18:00 – 19:00 CET:

  • A DSL for Payroll Calculations by DATEV, by Marcel Riedel
    DATEV, a leading German payroll services provider, has been developing a domain-specific language for expressing the calculation logic at the core of their payroll systems. In this talk, you will get some impressions of our language, how we use it, and the lessons we have learned.

February 2

17:00 – 18:00 CET:

  • A Journey With MPS in FinTech: One Year Later, by Tom Beadman
    Icon Solutions provides payment processing solutions to Tier 1 banks through its product – IPF. One year ago we underwent a major product innovation cycle, a significant part of which was the adoption of MPS as our primary domain modeling solution. This talk covers our experiences over the past year, our successes, challenges, and what the future has in store for us.

18:00 – 19:00 CET

  • MPS Interoperability: How to Put MPS at the Center of an Ecosystem, by Federico Tomassetti
    MPS is a technology that can take a pivotal role in the organization adopting it. It can become the central element at the core of a Knowledge Centric Development strategy. External systems may benefit from working closely with MPS and provide MPS with knowledge, access the knowledge it contains, or use the knowledge available in it.
    The goal of this talk is to discuss the topic of MPS interoperability. We will discuss why it is important and then look into the different strategies to build rich ecosystems around MPS.

February 3

17:00 – 18:00 CET

  • Modelix: Running MPS in the Cloud, by Sascha Lisson
    In this talk, we will present the Modelix project, which is an MPS extension that adds real-time collaboration in the browser and in MPS itself. Editing of MPS models in the browser is supported by default for existing languages, but a new editor definition language also allows the implementation of browser-specific editors. For scalability, the models are synchronized between multiple MPS instances running inside a Kubernetes cluster.

18:00 – 19:00 CET

  • Biological Knowledge Base: Projectional Editor in the cloud, by Simon Alperovich, Elena Zimina, Ekaterina Zemtseva and Daniil Elovkov
    The MPS team at JetBrains and Genestack have been working together on an exciting experimental Biological Knowledge base project. It is based on the custom Genestack server-side platform and uses DSLs to describe the contained business knowledge. This makes the project a comprehensive showcase for the JetBrains Web-based projectional editor and its features such as Concurrent editing, Server-Side model analysis as well as integration of the Projectional Editor with a server-side cloud-based web application.
    During this talk we will present the current state of the project, talk about the project architecture and explain the underlying technologies behind Web-MPS.

February 4

17:00 – 18:00 CET

  • SIGI DSL for municipalities, by Alex Samier
    In this talk, we will show the DSLs developed by SIGI to efficiently define and create applications for the public administration in Luxembourg. The DSLs developed by SIGI describe data managed by the municipalities (e.g. people, addresses, building details, invoices) and the activities updating these data (e.g. subscribing to the water provision). The end-user performs these activities through a collaborative portal. The core of an activity is an ordered sequence of steps that will be performed by the end-users. Some of the activities can be performed automatically, in response to a message received from another system. The SIGI DSL also allows the integration and processing of the municipalities’ related regulations (water taxes, parking taxes, building permits, and more general European regulations) in a dynamic manner.

18:00 – 19:00 CET

  • SIGI, editing activities also in the browser, by Federico Tomasetti
    SIGI has been successfully using a series of DSLs built with JetBrains MPS to support the public administration in Luxembourg. To make it even easier to use these DSLs, we built web editors that support a subset of the workflows currently done in MPS directly in the browser. The result is a system that permits the collaboration between users working in the traditional MPS-based environment and users working in the browser. In this presentation, we will explore SIGI’s goals with this project, its current status, and our plans for the future. We will also describe the architecture adopted, which takes advantage of two open-source components: MPSServer and WebEditKit.

February 5

17:00 – 18:00 CET

  • Interactive Model-based Resource Analysis for Systems Engineers, by Klaus Birken
    A typical challenge for any systems engineer is to ensure that a new product’s hardware can handle all software use cases. Usually, this question has to be answered early in the development process, when both hardware and software are not available yet. In the presentation, we will give a demonstration of Simbench, an MPS-based tool that simulates resource consumption and timing for technical systems. In addition to the actual software and hardware architecture of the system to be analyzed, aspects like usage scenarios, requirements, and variants can be modeled. As the discrete-event simulator being used by Simbench is able to provide results quickly, the tool can offer an interactive user experience similar to Excel. The systems engineer can then evaluate design decisions as early and as quickly as possible.

18:00 – 19:00 CET

  • stiEF – A textual scenario description language, by Florian Bock
    In this talk, the DSL stiEF ("scenario-accompanied, textbased, iterative Evaluation of automated driving Functions") from Audi is presented, which allows the creation of textual natural language scenario descriptions in multiple languages with consistent visualization and the possibility to export the scenario into different formats.

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You’ll be able to ask questions to the speakers in the chat and during the Q&A sessions at the end of every talk.

Stay safe and have a great day!

Your JetBrains MPS team

The Drive to Develop

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