The Visual Studio Extension for C++ Development
ReSharper C++ 2020.3 is here with the UnrealHeaderTool integration, new C++20 features, navigation between matching preprocessor directives, fuzzy text search, Push-to-Hint mode for inlay hints, and many other enhancements.
ReSharper C++ 2020.3 brings full support for C++20’s changes to comparison semantics. In this post, we’ll briefly go over the language updates to comparisons in C++20 and take a look at how ReSharper C++ can help you use the new language features.
The new ReSharper C++ EAP build includes import completion for incomplete classes, important updates to HLSL support, and allows you to navigate between preprocessor directives.
UnrealHeaderTool has been integrated into the Resharper C++ analysis and can run on an open file, helping you catch issues earlier and avoid problems down the road.
In this EAP build, we've introduced several navigation improvements, supported the C++20 conformance changes in Visual Studio 16.8, and updated our support for Catch2 parameterized tests.
We're excited to announce the start of the Early Access Program for ReSharper C++ 2020.3! The first EAP build brings updates for Unreal Engine support, inspections and quick-fixes for C++20 ranges, performance improvements, and more.
Today we want to share our plans for the final release of this year. Our main priorities are almost unchanged – performance, C++, and Unreal Engine – but let's take a closer look.