Early Access Program

RubyMine 2021.2 Release Candidate

RubyMine 2021.2 Release Candidate is available! Here’s a quick roundup of the most notable new features being introduced in the upcoming 2021.2 release:

Ruby and RBS

  • RubyMine now supports most of the existing RBS entities, including type variables, block parameters, tuple types, proc types, and more.
  • For projects using RBS, Go to declaration, Find usages, and the Rename refactoring now work more precisely.
  • You can now navigate between the corresponding .rb and .rbs files using ⌃⌘↑ (Ctrl+Alt+Home).
  • Access to information stored in .rbs files enables RubyMine to check Ruby code for more potential errors.
  • This version comes with essential features that make RBS code easier to read, including syntax highlighting, formatting, and more.
  • RubyMine now provides code assistance for working with RBS files.
  • You can now create .rbs prototypes and your own live templates for RBS.

Code editor

  • We have clarified descriptions for all of the inspections that RubyMine can perform.
  • RubyMine now supports performing various actions on save.
  • You can now create scratch files right from the selected code.

User experience



  • Two new terminal options: the ability to select the cursor shape and support for Use Option as Meta key.


Version control systems


Code With Me

Web and frameworks

Unlike previous EAP builds, the RC requires you to have a valid RubyMine license. Otherwise, it will install and run as a 30-day free trial.

You can install the RC version alongside a stable version of RubyMine.

To learn more about the newest features as they come out, please follow RubyMine on Twitter. We post product news and tips several times a week.

Please report any problems you encounter to our issue tracker, so we can try to fix them before the final release.

Happy Developing!
The RubyMine team

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