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Toolbox App

Manage your IDEs the easy way


Toolbox App 2.3: Toolbox App for Linux ARM 64, Chinese Translation, System Settings for Proxy, and More

The 2.3 version of the Toolbox App bridges the gap in versions for different operating systems, adds a new translation, and changes proxy settings.

Toolbox App for Linux ARM64

JetBrains desktop tools have builds for Linux ARM64, however the Toolbox App didn’t have one. We’re closing that gap today by releasing Toolbox App 2.3, a native version of Toolbox App for Linux ARM64. You can download the new version on the Toolbox App page.

Toolbox App on Linux ARM64 is packaged in AppImage and requires FUSE to run.

The app has been primarily tested on Ubuntu 20.04 or newer, but whether you’re using Debian, Fedora, WSL on a Windows device, or another operating system on the ARM64 architecture, we encourage you to try Toolbox App for Linux ARM64 for yourself and share your feedback with us. If you encounter any issues, please report them on YouTrack.

System proxy enabled by default

In Toolbox App 2.2 and earlier versions, the proxy was disabled by default. Starting with Toolbox App 2.3, we’ve changed this – now the system settings for using a proxy are the default. For users who use a proxy, this allows them to eliminate one step in the Toolbox App setup. For those who don’t use proxies on their machine, practically nothing changes.

We’ve changed the look of the Proxy section in Settings: instead of the toggle, there are now 5 radio button options, one of which is Disable – so if you want, you can still disable the proxy.

Installer for Windows

The Toolbox App installer for Windows has received a refreshed look and feel with the 2.3 release.

Traditional Chinese translation

We continue to add language support in the Toolbox App. In the 2.3 version, we’re bringing you the Traditional Chinese localization, created with the help of community contributors Haowei Hsu and Jim Lyu. If you’d like to help us add a language that’s not yet available, contact us via YouTrack or email.

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Toolbox App and IDE Services

On top of the improvements mentioned above, in Toolbox App 2.3 we focused heavily on preparing the Toolbox App for the IDE Services release. IDE Services is a new product suite for enterprises by JetBrains, aimed at helping streamline the way enterprises manage their IDEs and AI Tools. This will enable CTOs, IT department leads, and IT admins to foster developer productivity.

While not part of the IDE Services suite, the Toolbox App represents an integral component of this process for the end user: the developer in the enterprise. It’s the app on the developer’s machine that’s connected to IDE Provisioner on the admin side.

If you want to learn more about IDE Services or try it for your organization, reach out to our sales and product expert team on the IDE Services page.