
Charisma EAP -> YouTrack Beta

We’ve got a double dose of breaking news for you today.

First, some of you may have noticed that we had changed logo at our own tracker. This is not without a reason: due to copyright restrictions, we can’t keep the Charisma code name as a long-standing name of the product. Therefore, we’re introducing a new name for JetBrains issue tracker: YouTrack. Yes, it’s official, and effective today.
YouTrack - issue tracker from JetBrains previously known as Charisma
Second, after two years of development and 2.5 months of EAP, we feel we’re ready for a serious milestone. With that in mind, YouTrack goes beta today! Of course, as a full-rate beta product, it gets its very own section at the JetBrains web site. You can download the beta version here — as before, choose between jar and war formats.

If everything goes fine, we should be ready for YouTrack 1.0 release before New Year, but we still need your feedback to go firmly ahead:

Thank you for staying with us, and don’t you leave without downloading!