
YouTrack Daring Goes EAP

Remember YouTrack Daring Roadmap that we announced just before New Year?

We’re starting to deliver on the promise by opening a new Early Access Program to let you download and evaluate early YouTrack Daring builds as we make them available.

As usual with EAP builds, they may cause quality concerns at times but we’re valiantly pre-testing Daring builds at our own YouTrack instance, and only the most stable of them are allowed to go EAP.

Important note! Do not use EAP builds in your primary production environment because YouTrack 1.0 database is not forward compatible with YouTrack Daring database. That means, if you’re not satisfied with the quality of Daring builds, you will not be able to revert to YouTrack 1.0 other than by rolling back to a pre-upgrade backup of your database and losing your progress along the way.

Once again, we kindly ask you to provide feedback on your experience with the new YouTrack version. You can submit feedback in several forms – specifically, feel free to:

Here’s a quick list to remind you of some of the things that the new YouTrack Daring brings to the table:

  • Custom attributes to extend the predefined set of issue states: you can now configure YouTrack to save due dates, issue severity, browser and operating system version, or any other details that you may need to know about your issues. You create custom attributes using arbitrary enumerations or common types such as date and integer.

    Note that the initial implementation of custom attributes in EAP builds only supports creating them in Full Screen View and viewing them. Neither search nor commands support custom attributes just yet.
  • Issue-level security. In YouTrack 1.0, you were only able to set access permissions for a specific project. YouTrack Daring introduces a way to restrict visibility of any individual issue to a certain user group:
  • Group names in search requests. YouTrack 1.0 allowed involving user names in search requests – i.e., to find issues by assignee or reporter. YouTrack Daring develops on that by allowing group names in search queries – that, for example, allows you to easily filter issues reported from outside of your company, or vice versa:
  • Search by comments. This is simple: by typing “commented by: me”, you get a list of issues that you have ever commented. By the way, combining this with group search renders some interesting statistics.
  • Mapping one YouTrack project to multiple TeamCity projects. This enhancement targets scenarios where different versions of a product are built using different TeamCity projects yet tracked with a single issue tracker project.
  • Integration with multiple TeamCity servers for large-scale and distributed environments.
  • JIRA integration enhancements including import from JIRA 4 and converting JIRA components to YouTrack tags. To integrate YouTrack Daring with JIRA 4, you’ll need to download JIRA 4 integration plug-in and deploy it into WEB-INFlib directory of your JIRA installation.
  • Previews for attachments with zoom-in on mouse over:

Here’s the full list of issues addressed in the initial EAP build.

Download and enjoy the upgraded YouTrack!