
YouTrack Bookmarklet: one click to submit new issue

The upcoming version of YouTrack (aka YouTrack Daring) introduces the bookmarklet, a little tool for your browser to submit new issues with just one click. No need to open YouTrack to create an issue, no need to even switch between browser tabs or windows.

Bookmarklet supports all most important options of the standard Create New Issue dialog.

To get the bookmarklet, the next time you visit the issue tracker do the following:

  1. Open keyboard shortcuts quick reference: click Help — Shortcuts
  2. Drag-n-drop the highlighted “Create Issue” link to your browser’s toolbar. If you prefer Internet Explorer, then right-click on the link and add it to favorites.

There you have it. Now click the button, specify issue attributes, take and attach screenshots (Ctrl+Alt+S) or attach files (Ctrl+Alt+A). Another click, and the issue submitted. Just like that.

Have a nice day and track with pleasure!
JetBrains YouTrack team