
YouTrack 2.0 RC3: Check Out the New EXE Distribution

We hoped that RC2 would become the final RC for the upcoming YouTrack 2.0. However, today we decided to publish the new Release Candidate 3, and for good reason.

The main feature of this RC3 build is the brand new EXE distribution option. The EXE file bundles Apache Tomcat application server and JRE 1.6, meaning you will no longer need to worry about pre-installing software that is required to run YouTrack. Now all you have to do is download the EXE file, and run it. As a result, YouTrack will be launched as a Windows service!

We have one important note for those of you who already use YouTrack. Please remember that Windows services launch from specific user accounts, e.g. on Windows XP, services run under user LocalService. When YouTrack is launched as a service, it looks for its issue database in the following locations by default:

  • On Windows XP: in “Documents and SettingsLocalService”
  • On Windows 7 and Vista: in the root directory of disk C

That means, if you use the EXE distribution to upgrade your current YouTrack installation, you should specify a path to your existing issue database via database.location parameter in c:<YouTrack installation directory>webappsrootweb-infweb.xml.

Anyway, check out the complete Release notes, and download YouTrack 2.0 RC3. If you find any problems with the new Release Candidate, you know where to report them.

Track with pleasure!
JetBrains YouTrack team