
YouTrack 4.0.1 Is Available!

Please welcome YouTrack 4.0.1—the latest update for your favorite agile issue tracker! This minor release contains important bug fixes for recently released YouTrack 4.0 version. For more details, please check the complete release notes. You are welcome to get the YouTrack 4.0.1, either by downloading the latest build or by signing up for YouTrack InCloud, hosted in the cloud by us. Both options are absolutely free for small teams. If you are already using YouTrack InCloud, your site will be updated to 4.0.1 on Monday, according to our Maintenance Calendar.
By the way, how do you like our Agile Board? Do you enjoy working with it? Your comments are more than welcome!

Be Agile and keep tracking with pleasure!
JetBrains YouTrack team