Features Releases

Ready to migrate from Redmine to YouTrack?

Introducing the python-script ready to be used to import your projects, issues and users, along with their groups, roles and permissions from Redmine to YouTrack. It takes no time and allows to you to play with YouTrack on your own issues or continue your project right where you stopped, without loosing any data. Of course, you can migrate to any YouTrack version, either Stand-Alone or InCloud.

Download the latest version of YouTrack Rest Python Library and follow the step-by-step instructions to migrate from Redmine to YouTrack in no time!

By the way, our YouTrack Rest Python Library allows you to migrate from any issue tracking system, including Jira, Forbugz, Bugzilla, Mantis, AgileZen, Trac etc. Please check YouTrack Import page for more details.

Migrate to YouTrack and track with pleasure :)